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Showing posts from January, 2020

When something is arty, it is held in the hand and looked at with conceit. But when something is art, it is the hand (Langston Hughes*)

* Langston Hughes in his liner notes to Joan Baez/5

The guy on the floor was still breathing (Lee Child)

The guy on the floor was still breathing. But in a shallow, desperate kind of way, with a reedy plastic wheeze, in and out, in and out, as fast as he could. Like panting. But without getting anywhere. Probably the fault of the strap button on the bottom of the guitar, punching a half-inch ahead of the mass of the body itself. Probably clipped a vital component. Larynx, or pharynx, or some other kind of essential structure, made of cartilage and spelled with letters from late in the alphabet. Lee Child (in Blue Moon: Jack Reacher has just used a bass guitar like a axe on a baddie's throat)

It was the sixties...(James Sallis)

It was the sixties, a woman said on the radio, and I decided to drop out, really drop out. I went down to Sears and bought me a sleeping bag, a camp stove, some heavy boots. Gave everything else away to friends. Then I hitched out to the middle of Montana with everything I owned stuffed into a backpack. Found this neat cave. Moved in. Lived there four days in absolute, wonderful solitude; and on the fifth day the bear came back. James Sallis (from Death Will Have Your Eyes )

Susan took charge of the cleaning, as she was the girl (Enid Blyton)

Susan on the right Susan took charge of the cleaning, as she was the girl,  (Enid Blyton in The Treasure Hunters )

Remember, they’re just jokes, we’re all going to die soon, and there’s no sequel (Ricky Gervais)

What a perfect creature! (Edgar Rice Burroughs)

What a perfect creature! There could be naught of cruelty or baseness beneath that godlike exterior. Never, she thought had such a man strode the earth since God created the first in his own image. Edgar Rice Burroughs (from Tarzan Of the Apes)