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Showing posts from January, 2019

Art without risk is not art.' I agree with that profoundly. Take a flyer – and if it fails don't let it crush you. It's just a failure. Who cares? (Harold Budd)

Photo by  Andrew Neel  on  Unsplash

I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul (William Ernst Henley)

Photo by  Andrew Neel  on  Unsplash

Life appears to me too short to be spent in nursing animosity or registering wrongs (Charlotte Bronte, in Jane Eyre)

Photo by  NeONBRAND  on  Unsplash

Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them... let reality be reality (Lao Tzu)

Photo by  Malte Wingen  on  Unsplash

Before we can improve a situation, we must first accept it for what it is (Matthew Bortolin in The Dharma of Star Wars)

Pain is temporary. It may last for a minute, or an hour or a day, or even a year. But eventually, it will subside. And something else takes its place. If I quit, however, it will last forever (Eric Thomas)

  Photo by  Alex Iby  on  Unsplash

I don't think I am [unlucky]. I think I take lots of risks. You are going to fail more if you take lots of risks, but you are going to succeed more, too - and live life on your own terms (Viv Albertine)