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Showing posts from November, 2021

Life is a long distance walk. What kind of footprints did we leave? (Hsing Yun)

  Photo by Daniel Schludi on Unsplash

If life is just a highway - then the soul is just a car (Jim Steinman)

  RIP Jim Steinman (1947 - 2021)

Filling in vacant spaces

He doesn't so much 'solo' as fill in vacant spaces in the score with as many different notes in the relevant key as he can locate in the given time. Ian McDonald (writing about Rick Wakeman)

To the most trivial actions, attach the devotion and mindfulness of a hundred monks. To matters of life and death, attach a sense of humor (Zhuangzi)


All important decisions must be made on the basis of insufficient data. Yet we are responsible for everything we do (Sheldon Kopp)

  Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

The difference between misery and happiness depends on what we do with our attention (Sharon Salzberg)